Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Important message for those comparing golf insurance cover

Whether taking out your first golf insurance policy or renewing, we should all be aware of the finer details of insurance cover and not be distracted by the lure of "FREE" rounds of golf or Low-Price Guarantees. Many automatically assume that they're covered against theft of their equipment - a sensible assumption to make wouldn't you think? After all, you're paying for specialised golf insurance! Then you'd be horrified to find out that if your prized set of clubs were stolen from the locked boot of your car between the hours of 10pm and 8am you wouldn't be able to claim on your budget golf insurance. We've also heard stories from disgruntled customers of cut-price insurers that when they can claim for replacement equipment it is provided by the insurers budget equipment supplier and is not a true "new for old" nor a "like for like" service as the equipment supplied is not of equal quality.

GolfPlan not only provides transparent, comprehensive golf insurance cover, valid in any country worldwide, but also places its golf equipment claims through PGA golf professionals based at over 2000 UK golf venues, providing the best possible claim settlement procedure for its clients.  Now in its 28th year of trading, GolfPlan has always settled claims in this manner and was awarded PGA Recommendation in recognition of this in 1996, a coveted award still enjoyed today.

Golfers should be aware that this is not the norm and in fact, the majority of other golf insurers prefer to replace equipment claims through large discount golf outlets thereby removing the opportunity for golfers to try out equipment or to get them custom fitted during the claim process. 

Every golfer should ensure that a minimum of £5 million third party public liability cover (including property damage) is in place prior to playing or practising golf and before using their own buggy on a golf course. They should also ensure their equipment will be replaced with brand new in the event of a claim. Not to mention club membership fee reimbursement in the event of accident or illness preventing play. 

Unfortunately, too many people decide on a golf insurance policy based on price alone, forgetting that if something seems too good to be true, it usually is.  This is certainly true of cheap golf insurance policies, which have to provide less than adequate cover to justify the premium.  Inevitably, this restricted cover could prove to be very expensive in the event of a claim!

GolfPlan makes no excuses for providing fully transparent, comprehensive cover for just that little extra premium.  For instance, a GolfPlan client whose equipment is stolen from anybody’s car boot at any time of day or night will receive brand new replacement equipment via a PGA golf professional shop within five days.  There are no restrictions as to where the car is parked,  how old the equipment is, or whether the equipment was brand new or second hand when first purchased!  By the very nature of the premium, cheap golf insurance providers are unable to provide this level of cover, not to mention the expert customer service experienced by GolfPlan customers.  For example, at least one cheap policy excludes cover during the night and theft from a car if parked outside the home or place of work.

Another, simple, way to choose which golf insurance policy is best to recommend, is to visit the golf insurance comparison website www.comparegolfinsurance.com  which is quick and easy to use. The website not only helps golfers make the right decision, without worrying about policy 'small print', but also explains:
  • The benefits of golf insurance
  • Explains individual benefits and advises which questions to ask a golf insurance provider before deciding on a policy
  • Demonstrates how some golf insurance providers are able to offer cheap policies by restricting cover
  • Arms golfers with the knowledge to ensure they get the cover they need from the right provider
One last piece of useful information to help you in your decision.  Golfers require a specialist golf insurance policy to ensure full protection on and off the golf course. No household insurance policy can possibly deliver the same level protection; by their nature, they are not designed to cover the specific risks of playing golf. 

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the best posts that I’ve ever seen; you may include some more ideas in the same theme about Golf Insurance Comparison. I’m still waiting for some interesting thoughts from your side in your next post.
